Branch :
 Application Ref. No.  For Bank use only
  C24Y762018  L/C NO.
Kindly issue an Irrevocable Letter of Credit for our account and at our full responsibility by  
(Instructions marked (X) to be followed):
Applicant/ In the name of:
Amount:      % / - %
In figures:
(In words):
Advising Bank:
Confirmation:                  Confirmation charges are for:  
Date of Expiry: Place of Expiry: Latest date of shipment:
Partial shipment      Transhipment     
Shipment by:               From: To:
The Credit is available by:     days from
                                        days from
Description of goods/services:
Delivery term (latest version):             
Documents Required:
copy(ies) issued by Beneficiary, original to be certified by Chamber of Commerce/CCPIT.
     notify Bank Aljazira and Ourselves, and showing full name and address of the carrying vessel’s agent at port of destination.
. copy(ies), issued or certified by Chamber of Commerce/CCPIT, stating that goods are solely and  
     exclusively of origin.
. copy(ies).              . copy(ies).
     Saudi Arabia to the order of Bank Aljazira irrespective of percentage, covering Institute Cargo clauses A (All risks), War clauses, SRCC, and TPND from Beneficiary
    warehouse to Applicant warehouse.  
days after shipment/delivery date, and within L/C validity.
     ALL commissions & charges outside Bank Aljazira including reimbursement charges are for                   
We authorize you to debit our SAR/FCY A/C no - - with you for margin, commissions, swift, courier
service, or any other expenses incurred by you under this L/C without referring to us.
We declare that we have read, understood, and agree with the general Terms & Conditions related to this L/C.
Name of the customer: Signature(s) & Official Stamp