It is one of the bank’s groups that follows up all bank’s transactions to ensure that they are implemented in accordance with the principles of Islamic law in accordance with the fatwas issued and decisions approved by the Shariah Committee. It is also a link between the Shariah Committee and the bank’s Executive Management, and it has the same rights as the Shariah Committee in terms of obtaining data, information, clarifications, and inspection of all regulations, systems and instructions it deems necessary to perform its work. Shariah Group perform the following main tasks:
The Secretariat assumes the following tasks:
The Shariah Compliance Division works to ensure that the bank is compliant with Shariah Committee’s decisions.
Prepares research and studies related to Islamic finance field, issuing periodic reports and contribute to spreading awareness of Islamic banking.
E-mail: Shariah@BAJ.Com.SA
Phone: +966126098824