Sustainability & Social Responsibility


Bank AlJazira is one of the Islamic banks that are closely associated with the community. In the belief of the bank’s management in their social, humanitarian and moral duty to the community and the citizens of our beloved country, Bank Aljazira launched on the 6th of June 2006 its social responsibility program under the title of Sustainability and Social Responsibility, upon the Board’s decision to allocate      100 Million towards the provision of quality programs targeting charity activities and Saudi community development based on the principle of Islamic religion. 

To cope with these developments, the Sustainability and Social Responsibility Group was established to undertake the implementation of numerous initiatives and activities that target Saudi individuals and organizations through promoting and organizing programs and projects in the fields of development, humanitarian and educational aspects, as well as through participation in the national social events in all parts of the Kingdom.


Our Vision

Our Vision is to enhance the development of Bank AlJazira to become one of the leading financial institutions which play a pivotal role in the social responsibility programs.


Our Mission

Our mission is to develop the skills and capabilities of community individuals through an integrated set of non-profit programs and activities which aim to create a specific move and sustainable development in the life of the individual and community.


Our objectives ↗   Our programs ↗   Reports ↗   Activities ↗   Publications ↗