• The offer is valid to 03/10/2025.
  • This offer exclusive for AlJazira Masi, & Thahabi customers only.  
  • The second party obligated provide the discount 15% to AlJazira AlMasi and AlThahabi customers with Esnad AlDeyafa Company second party (Esso Coffee) is by showing the Debit Card.
  • The offer is not valid with any other offers and it is not valid during the religious holidays - national occasions.
  • In order to get the offer the customer need to provide Aljazira ATM cards.
  •  Offer is valid at all major ESS branches in Jeddah
  • The discount does not include drive-through, promotions, chocolate products per kilo, accessories products and retails (coffee bags)
  • Address: Jeddah
  • Terms and Conditions Apply