Travelling Tips

Tips on using your credit card when travelling

Using your credit card incorrectly during travel may cost you a lot of money, so follow these tips:

Before you travel:

  • Before traveling, you must contact the bank and tell them that you will use your credit card while traveling abroad and indicate the countries you intend to visit to avoid the card being stopped, because banks are in a precautionary way to stop cards that they suspect have made unusual payments or withdrawals in some countries to protect their customers.
  • Be sure to sign behind the card, because some shops do not accept dealing with unsigned cards.
  • Make sure to try the card before you travel with any transaction where you can inquire about the credit card balance through the bank's ATM.

During your travel:

  • Pay your bills and purchases in the local currency of the country you have traveled to, if available, since you do not prefer to pay in your country's currency because the exchange rate for this transaction is lower than the rate at exchange offices or banks.
  • Keep the cards in a safe place to protect them from theft or damage, and make sure to carry another card from the bank (additional card, credit card or Al Jazeera Mada card) and inform the bank immediately if any card is lost.
  • Avoid using credit cards in suspicious shops to prevent fraud.
  • Some restaurants put a check box on the invoice for tips, preferably do not left it blank and if you do not want to put a certain amount, you have to put a line so as not to fall victim to fraud.
  • Be careful not to neglect the card or leave it for a long time with the sales employee in any way, because it is easy to save or obtain the card data.
  • Make sure to activate your mobile phone number registered with the issuer of the card to receive SMS’s about the transactions executed using the card.

After your travel:

  • Keep all purchase receipts to avoid fraud.
  • Review your transactions as soon as monthly statement is issued to ensure that the transactions are matched.
  • Change the PIN of the card used during your journey as soon as you return. Note that you can change your PIN via the available channels (ATM, IPR, Al Jazeera Online and Al Jazeera smart application).